Decision making, Life Graven images The moment a human being realizes that he is a human being, he creates a certain image of himself. We start believing that we are… June 4, 2023
Decision making, Life Sleep and peace A human being is only peaceful when he is asleep. And when he wakes up, he wakes up to a nightmare. His reality is a… May 27, 2023
Decision making, Life Naked How does a child arrive in the world? Naked. Innocent. Unnamed. Unadorned. Unsullied. The child enters the world, Free. But immediately it arrives. It is… May 21, 2023
Decision making, Family, Life On blaming parents It has become fashionable nowadays for young people to blame their parents for doing a bad job at parenting them. A man is asked, why… May 14, 2023
Life, Love On love A story is told of a woman whose husband had died. She was struck by much grief because she loved her husband very much. … May 1, 2023
Decision making, Life The Undertaker Growing up, Monday Night Raw and Smackdown were the highlights of the week. Since we did not have a TV, I used to shamelessly and… April 21, 2023
Decision making, Life On helping others If I give to charity, I do so because it makes me feel good that I have given to charity.If I donate my kidney to… April 16, 2023
Decision making, Life When We Die We all know that we will die one day But we are never ready for death On the day we die, Things will be left… April 9, 2023
Decision making, Life The Zen farmer A story is told of a Zen farmer who had a horse that helped him plough the land. One day, the horse ventured off the… March 21, 2023
Life The Tormentor It seems God created the mind as a cruel joke to human beings. On one hand, the mind comes up with joy, happiness and peace.… March 10, 2023