A story is told of a man of God who was travelling by ship.
In the ship there were all sorts of people. Merchants, gamblers and conmen.
Now, a huge storm rocked their ship.
Everyone was terrified that they were going to perish in the storm.
And they all started praying to God to spare their lives.
As everyone was frantically praying, asking for forgiveness and begging God to spare their lives.
The man of God sat quietly through the storm.
The distraught people, observing that the man of God was not praying, went to him and asked him.
“Why are you not praying. You are a man of God. You should be praying to God to spare your life and ours too.
The man responded.
“I am a man of God,
Not a merchant to trade with God.
Neither am I a gambler to wager with God.
I am also not a conman to deceive God.
Life is life
Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta university.