Democracy, where the majority have their way seems to be an acceptable form of government in our society. This is fine. Society can do whatever it wants.
But when it comes to governing oneself: dictatorship, tyranny, one man show, is the only way. No voting. No consultation. No board or committee meetings. No reference to anyone.
We live in a society that seems to believe that the views of the majority need to be considered in every decision that is made. That the masses should be consulted in making decisions.
Well, from our experience in politics, wedding committees and staff meetings, we can agree that the majority are not always right. An incompetent government can be elected by the majority, a stupid decision can be made by the wedding committee and the less said about staff meetings the better.
In fact, I would go further and say that the majority are always wrong.
If one is looking for the way and finds that the majority are going in one direction, he is better advised to take the opposite direction. The majority are like sheep and are most likely headed over a cliff.
An individual is born alone and dies alone. As far as I know, a human being only gets one shot at life and each day he nears his grave. Of what benefit would the majority’s views be to his life?
When it comes to the important affairs of one’s own life. The majority’s views be damned. Everyone else be damned.
This is not about rebelling.
It is about understanding one’s own nature and dancing to one’s own tune.
Life is life