A story is told of a man who wanted to learn the art of dancing.
Now, in those days, one learnt a skill by doing, not by writing an exam at the end of the semester.
So he went to a small town that was known to produce the best dancers in the world. There, he sought to hone his craft.
In the small town, he found a crowd of people in the streets and started performing for them.
As a neophyte, he was nervous and was worried that the crowd would not like his performance.
But to his surprise, after his performance, the crowd cheered “again”.
He was so happy and thought “they must be pleased with my dancing to ask for an encore”.
So, he gladly performed for the second time.
After his second performance, the crowd shouted “encore”.
Indeed, the crowd asked the man to dance, again and again up to ten times.
At the end of his tenth performance, he was very exhausted.
So, he told the crowd that he appreciated their love for him, but he could not dance anymore because his limbs were sore.
But the crowd insisted that he should dance again and again until he learnt how to dance properly.
Yesterday we performed the dance of life. And we performed poorly.
We did not move our limbs with grace. We did not lose ourselves in the dance.
And the gods were not impressed,
So, they woke us up today and gave us another chance.
A chance to dance properly.
And maybe, today we will have our last dance.
Life is life