The Regular Size

The other day I went out with a friend and decided to grab a pizza. As someone who has eaten pizza only four times in my lifetime, I was not sure which flavor or size to order.  So, after consulting my friend who was also clueless, we decided to order for the epic size of some flavour I can’t recall.

When the pizza was finally brought to the table. It was huge.  If it was an underwear, it would be marked XXXXL. It appeared like it was meant for six people. So, we set to eat one or two pieces each and carry home the rest “for the kids”.

But as fate would have it, we ended up devouring the whole thing and drowned it with a soda. And we did not feel anything.

As we were reflecting on our indulgence, we agreed that as far as we are concerned, the epic size was the regular size for us. We also noted that the pizza makers did not consult us when they were naming the sizes.

No referendum was held to decide what was regular and epic. And even if a referendum was held and the majority decided what is regular and what is epic, we still wouldn’t care.

You see, a human being is born free, but he joins a society with set standards of what he can do or become. He is told what regular people do and is required to meet those expectations. So, he aims to become regular in all aspects of his life.

He aspires to become a regular professional, a regular student, a regular parent, a regular friend, a regular human being. He defaults to the societal standards. And the societal standards are for the regular, the average.

He desires to become like everybody else. His dreams are regular dreams, his problems are regular problems. His day-to-day experiences are regular experiences.

His life becomes the regular, run -of-the-mill life. He cuts himself down to size, so as to fit into the regular standard. He accepts the norm. He becomes ordinary. He becomes unremarkable.

He even takes pride in being called a regular citizen.

Life is life