If I give to charity, I do so because it makes me feel good that I have given to charity.
If I donate my kidney to friend. I do so because it makes me feel good that I have donated a kidney to him.
If I sleep hungry so that my children could go to school. I do so because it gives me satisfaction that I have done so.
If I take loans to build my mother a house. I do it because it pleases me that I am a good son.
Even when I give anonymously without wanting anyone to know that I have helped. There is still one person who knows that I helped. Myself.
Whenever we help others. It’s not because of our benevolence. It’s not because we are altruistic.
Even when we feel that we helped without expecting anything in return, we still gained something from it. The satisfaction that we are charitable.
Charity is therefore not an act of selflessness. But an act of selfishness.
And there is nothing wrong with being selfish.
Let’s be honest for two seconds.
When we do something, even if guised in humility, sacrifice, piety and altruism, we do it because it gives us some sense of satisfaction.
Now, if we take this argument to its logical conclusion, it means that no one helps another. Everyone only helps themselves.
Hell, no one even does anything for the glory of God. Who takes the credit for doing something for the glory of God? Who earns some brownie points with God for being righteous?
No one gives more than he receives.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Life is life