The Meaning of Life

Only adults ask what the meaning of life is.  For children, this is never a question.

Now, between a child and an adult, who is happier? Who is more joyful?

A child lives. An adult looks at life as a means to an end.

Only children will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only children experience a heaven on earth.

When a child twirls in the mud and dances in the rain, he has no agenda. When a child plays, he does not play to enjoy himself. He plays out of joy. When a child hugs you, she just does.

Adults try to organize life into sections, categories and nice little meanings. But it is a futile exercise. Because, like water, life can take any shape.

Adults will have sex and afterwards come up with pie charts and graphs to explain the meaning of sex.

They will observe people smiling and come up with power-point presentations on the ten types of smiles and their meanings.

Adults have profaned everything. We have adulterated everything that is pure and sacred.

Whatever an adult touches, turns into a stone.  

We try to create agendas and meanings out of everything. But what meaning can we elicit from life?

We are born, we live, we die. What else is there?

If we want to pursue wealth, we are free to do. If we want to be successful, so be it. If one wants to get married, why not? If one wants to buy a car, no one should stop him. If a man wants to eat a nice meal, he may.

If you want to save the world, go ahead.  

Whatever aspirations you may have, whatever dreams you may have, pursue them if you like.

But there is no meaning.

Life is life
