Kids can be mean. During my primary school days, we used to go to school with boys who were much bigger in size. There was this guy named Wycliff. He was tall, had broken his voice and had broad shoulders. He was a true definition of the adolescence stage. Wycliff did not like me much. He had a habit of shoving and being mean to me. He kept daring me for a fight.
The bullying went for a long time until one day I said enough is enough. We scheduled a fight for some day in the evening after school.
Now, I had the privilege of watching Monday night Raw and Smackdown on our red Greatwall TV. I also liked watching Walker Texas Ranger and saw how Chuck Norris destroyed criminals with round kicks. At the cost of five bob, or arriving early and cleaning the video show room at the market, I was fortunate to watch Commando, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and American Ninja in action. So, I was pretty confident of my fighting skills. I planned to give him some lethal kicks and punches on his jaws then finish him off by “planting” him like the undertaker.
On the fateful day, Wycliff came with his cheering squad. I don’t recall having anyone on my side. The kids made a circle around us and encouraged us to fight. This was common, especially towards the end of the term when guys used to create enemies so that they can “close school” with them.
I started by throwing some round kicks just like Chuck Norris does. For a moment, Wycliff was startled with my moves and moved back a little bit. I charged at him with flying kicks. He moved a bit and gave me a punch in the nose. I tried another round kick but got another blow to my nose. Some red fluid started coming from my nose. I still charged at him but still got another blow to my nose. Why the hell did he keep hitting my nose?
I don’t recall if I landed any punch but I remember going home with a bloodied nose and a self -esteem below sea level.
Somehow, Wycliff lost interest in me until I finished from Tabaka DEB primary school.
Life is life