The internet and books are awash with recommendations of habits and routines that will make you successful at anything.
From the 7 habits of highly effective people, the 16 habits that will make you a billionaire, The 40 habits of successful employees, 99 habits of good dads to 69 habits of successful husbands. There is no shortage of tips on the best habits that will propel you to your desired goal.
But do they really work? I don’t think so.
Morning routines, lunchtime routines, evening routines, night time routines, sleeping routines, dreaming routines, toilet routines and toothbrushing routines. They all lead to a dead end.
Let’s be honest, all of us have tried to copy these habits, but how long did we last? and did we get our desired results?
The idea that morning routines and copying the habits of successful people will make us equally successful is fundamentally flawed.
Habits are not end in themselves; they are a by-product of an individual’s inner being.
They are just the trunk of a tree. Not the roots.
You see, the fruits may branch from a tree trunk, but the trunk is grounded by the roots.
Like a tree that is not firmly rooted, copied habits and morning routines will wither as soon as they sprout.
Copying of habits completely misses the nuances and subtleties that move a person’s actions.
Just because a billionaire said that he wakes up at 4.57 in the morning does not mean if you do the same you will also become a billionaire. If that were the case, watchmen would be the wealthiest people we know.
Some even argue that you only need to practice for 21 days to develop a habit. It doesnt matter.
One can engage in a habit for years but not experience any meaningful transformation. Look at religious people.
So, if habits are not the root, what is?
Life is life