If you look at life carefully, you will notice something.
Peaks are always sorrounded by valleys.
It may be summer today, but winter is coming.
Like an ocean wave, life can go several kilometres away from the shore, but it always returns.
Whenever there is pleasure, pain lurks in the corner.
Our stomachs may be full now, but hunger will pay us a visit sooner rather than later.
You see, weeping is for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
But even if joy comes in the morning, surely, night will come again and we shall weep.
Joy and misery are twin sisters.
Highs will always be followed by lows.
But society has taught us to only embrace the highs and reject the lows.
But we cannot have one without the other.
So really, everything is a set up.
We are here today.
Tomorrow we are not.
Life is life