Fever and Anxiety

Apparently, the body has its own mechanism of regulating its temperature. Its thermostat is set at 360 C. But when the body senses that there is some infection or some illness, the brain resets the thermostat to a higher temperature (hence you start feeling cold).

The body will then increase its temperature, hence the fever. Higher body temperatures make it hard for most bacteria and viruses to survive or grow. The body is therefore able to deal with most infections without any need for medication.

Of course, consistent high temperatures are not desirable. That is why we seek medical attention when fever persists. Now, if you go to the hospital with a fever, a competent doctor will not just give you medication to reduce the fever but will find out the cause of the fever and treat it. Once the bacteria, virus or disease is eliminated, the fever goes away automatically.

Anxiety is psychological fever. It is a normal reaction to some psychological pathogen. Some anxieties go away on their own without much intervention. Just like some fevers go on their own.

But sometimes the anxiety persists even after taking “paracetamol” for many days. Paracetamol and brufen in this case is what is often prescribed for us when we are anxious: Exercise, eat a balanced diet, listen to music, take alcohol, sleep, take a break etc. But these often provide temporary relieve but do not get to the crux of the matter.

In essence we often focus on treating the symptoms rather than the disease. Just like taking paracetamol to treat a fever from a bacterial infection.

Now, if we take this argument to its logical conclusion, then all forms of social and psychological concerns are not the disease but the symptom.

So, what is the disease?

Life is life
