I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I just learnt to ride a bike a few weeks ago. A whole mubaba has been walking around for decades not knowing how to ride a bike. My childhood must have been very dull.
The problem with learning to ride a bike is that you cannot do it in your bedroom. You must do it on the road, in public. It was humiliating to fall off the bike in front of people.
Initially, it was perplexing and I couldn’t understand how other people are able to balance. To get the sting of shame out of the curious eyes of onlookers that watched me struggle to remain steady on the bike, I announced to all and sundry that I was actually trying to learn. Some of them were gracious enough to let me know that I will have to fall three times before I learnt to “balance”. I am a slow learner, so I fell more than three times.
In my excitement about bike riding, I have taught a few people how to ride. Actually, I did not teach them anything, they did it by themselves. I only invited and nudged them on.
On the other hand, several other people whom I have given the same offer have not learnt how to ride. One of them desires to learn but is afraid of falling off the bike. Another one told me that he is afraid of people finding out that he doesn’t know how to ride. So, he pretends like he knows how to ride but avoids any conversations about bikes and riding.
In my “research” about bike riding, I learnt that the bicycle seat is called a saddle and that to teach a child how to ride, don’t hold the handlebars with her, just hold her lightly at the armpits and she will learn to ride in no time.
So, what’s the difference between those who have learnt to ride and those who haven’t. They all have a desire to know how to ride a bike.
But those who have learnt to ride got their bottoms on the saddle, hands on the handlebars, feet on the peddles and got moving.
So, if you want to learn how to ride a bike:
Don’t google
Don’t watch a you tube video
Don’t listen to a motivational speaker
Go ride a bike
Here’s to a great year of riding
Life is life