Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

The wife complains to her husband.

“You never take me out like you used to do when we were dating”.
After two days, the penitent husband comes home and tells the wife,
“Sweetheart, how about I take you out for dinner tonight”
Wifey says “Yea, you’re only taking me out because I complained”

Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t.

This is what society does to us every day.

They say work hard in school and get good grades for a better future. And after you toil for years, they say it does not count because you went to a private school or you are half-baked.

They say be innovative like Zuckerberg. Then when you try to be innovative, they slap the back of your head and ask “who the hell do you think you are?” Zuckerberg?

They teach us critical thinking but examine us with multiple choice questions.

So really, we are commanded to break the rules and conform at the same time.

It does not matter what you do. The die is cast.

Try to be a hero, you will be crucified on the cross with the villains.

Like checkmate in chess. Any move you make. You’re dead.  

Some chose to exit the game by suicide. Others by psychosis.

Most of us freeze in confusion and terror, like a deer caught in headlights.

But the game is still over.

Life is life
