We all yearn for change in our lives. We hope that things change for the better. But often times, change is not necessarily what we need.
You see, depending on the temperatures, water can change to ice and ice can change to water. Change depends on circumstances.
Like at the end of the month, our moods change when we get paid a salary. But five days later, when there is nothing in the bank account, our moods change back to default.
Our lives can change through luck and hard work. But soon enough, we run out of luck and energy. We can change our mood by being “positive”, but that only lasts for fifteen minutes.
Change is temporary. It is transient.
But transformation is different. Transformation happens when a caterpillar changes to a butterfly. A fetus changes into a human being. It is a metamorphosis. It is permanent. It is irreversible.
Transformation is not subject to our wishes, hopes and anxieties. A boy does not grow a beard because he wishes to. A man’s virility will decline at some point, regardless of his protests.
You see, it does not rain because we hope it will rain. It rains when the clouds are heavy enough. An earthquake only happens when the tectonic plates shift beneath the ground.
A seedling sprouts from the ground, only when the soil is “fertile”.
Only in the right conditions can a sperm fertilize an ovum. A pregnancy does not occur because the man worked hard or did his best. It occurs because the requisite conditions are present during mating.
Like the law of gravity, transformation is indifferent to our toil, wishes and hopes.
It only cares if the conditions are ripe.
So, when will our lives be transformed?
When we are ready.
Life is life.