When We Die

We all know that we will die one day

But we are never ready for death

On the day we die,

Things will be left hanging

Our beds will be left unmade
Our utensils will be left unwashed
Our desks will be left uncleared
Our hair will still be unkempt
Our shoe laces will still be untied

On the day death comes visiting,

We would not have settled our scores
We would not have balanced our accounts
Some bills will still be pending

We would not have gotten even.

We would not have cleaned our mess.

When the curtain falls,

Some stones will be left unturned

Some loose ends would be left untied

We would not have put our house in order

We would not have written that poem
We would not have sung that song

We would not have spoken those words

We would not have danced that dance
We would not have painted that painting

When the show is over,

We would not have said what we wanted to say
We would not have done what we wanted to do

Death will come and find us,
Still on the journey

Having never arrived

Still trusting the process.

Still waiting for the right time

When lying on our death beds,

We will beg for one more day

We will still have some unfinished business
We will still have some matters to attend to

We will not be able to say, “it is finished”


Because we believed that we had time.

Life is life

Fabio is a Mental Health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta University