Two Monks

Two monks, older and younger, were crossing a river. At the river bank they saw a beautiful woman stranded. The woman could not cross the river on her own and requested to be carried over to the other side of the river bank.

Now, monks have made a vow not to touch a woman. So, they were conflicted whether to help the woman by carrying her across the river and break their vows or to not help her and keep their vows.

After some time, the senior monk went ahead and carried the woman across the river. After crossing the river, he placed the woman down and went his way.

But the younger monk was troubled by the senior monk’s act. For three days he could not concentrate on his duties. He could not understand why his senior broke his vows.

On the other hand, the senior monk went about his duties as if nothing had happened.  

So finally on the fourth day the junior monk gathered courage and asked the senior monk.
“Sir, can I ask you a question?

“Sure”, the senior monk said.

Why did you break our vows of never touching a woman on that day?

The senior monk replied “On that day, I carried the woman across the river and I forgot about her the moment I placed her on the other side of the river bank”

But you, my friend, have been carrying her ever since that day.

Life is life
