The Waiting Room

A man has an appointment with Destiny. Destiny’s office is on the 27th floor of a tall building. He goes to the building and finds that the lift is not working.

So, he has to wait. After two minutes he becomes anxious waiting and cannot wait any longer. So, he decides to take the stairs.

He struggles and grinds through the stairs until he gets to 27th floor. When he gets to Destiny’s office, he feels that he deserves to meet with Destiny because he worked hard and paid the price by climbing the stairs.

He goes to destiny’s office and he is told by the secretary to sit in the waiting room and feel at home. He pours himself a glass of water from the dispenser and sits on the sofa at the waiting lounge.

As he tries to feel at home in the waiting room, he looks around and admires destiny’s portrait on the wall. He likes the furniture and the ambience of the room.

As time goes by, he starts to get accustomed to the waiting room. He starts to rearrange the furniture to fit his taste. He notices that the dispenser is leaking and spends some time fixing it. He also notices that Destiny’s portrait is bending slightly to the left, so he takes some time to straighten it.

At some point he takes a glance at the clock on the wall and notices that the hour-hand has moved from 9 to 7 and it’s dark outside. He feels sleepy and tired. So, he lays his head on the couch.

When he wakes up the following day, he continues with the same routine of embellishing the waiting room. He decorates it with ballons, ribbons and plastic flowers.

He spends his entire life rearranging the furniture in the waiting room until he becomes part of the furniture.

He makes the waiting room his permanent address.

Life is life