A man may be happy and satisfied now, but seven seconds later he is unhappy and discontent.
He may post a photo of himself, happy and enjoying life. But by the time the photo gets three likes he is troubled and anxious.
He may declare that he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, “Do you” “YOLO” and other such platitudes. But will immediately eat his words as he worries about what will happen to him if his boss fires him.
A man may impress many by giving a motivational speech about how to be successful. But on his way home he wonders if his “five steps to be successful” speech even makes sense.
He may be elated when people affirm and applaud him, but he quickly gets troubled by a negative comment from a stranger. He may be having a terrible day, but is quickly saved from falling apart by a random “quote of the day” from a stranger.
He may declare his love for God but his declarations of faithfulness are driven by a fear that God will punish him if he does not do so. He may be thankful to God but his gratitide speeches are meant to appease God not to take away the nice things he has.
He desires to be a good parent but his desire is borne out of the fear that his children may turn out to be like him.
His life is a life of turmoil. He simmers in anxiety. He doesn’t know his left from right.
He lives in a nice house, but the house is built on quick sand.
He may live a lavish lifestyle, but deep down he knows that he is only a moment away from destitution.
He finds himself awake in the middle of the night worried about his past and his future.
His life is a life of fighting ghosts and chasing shadows.
His heart is always unsettled.
Life is life