The Tormentor

It seems God created the mind as a cruel joke to human beings.

On one hand, the mind comes up with joy, happiness and peace.

On the other hand, it inflicts pain, heartache, anxiety, and sadness.

Our daily experience is a rollercoaster of emotions.

Like a salary account, our emotions keep fluctuating every now and then. But unlike a salary account which only gets full and empty once a month, The human mind moves from full to empty several times in a day.

You can be the happiest person in the world one moment, and the next moment you are the most miserable person on the world.

You could be totally in love with someone now but two days later you are filled with hate for the same person.

You could win the lottery today but become destitute two weeks later.

You can post a picture of your happy self on social media but by the time the likes start streaming in, you are already feeling depressed.

You can agree with me that it will be cruel if someone gave you a million shillings and then took the money away the moment you wanted to spend it.

But that’s the story of our lives.
A fortuitous event comes our way, but before the dust settles, calamity and misfortune show up.

It seems like our lives are lived in a dark torture chamber.

One moment you are receiving some food, the next moment you are receiving blows and kicks.

Life is life