The Man in the Mirror

Long, long time ago, there lived a man who had an ordinary life like everyone else. He had a job, a wife and children. He ate three meals a day, watched news, had a social media account, attended weddings and contributed in fundraisers.

One morning he woke up and felt that he had wasted most of his life. At 55 years, he felt that he did not have much time to live and yet he had not really lived. He felt that life had more to offer than just worrying about his boss, wife, children and society. He wanted more.

So he sought find someone who could teach him how to live a fulfilling life.

He found a guru who told him that in order to live a fulfilling life he needs to drink 8 glasses of water, eat raw cabbage, avoid red meat and sleep for 10 hours every day.

He did this for 10 years and was still was not fulfilled. The 8 glasses of water only made him to urinate more often. He hated cabbage and craved for red meat. And he spent most of the 10 hours of sleep tossing left and right on his bed trying to force himself to sleep.

So he confided in his friends about his tribulations. His friends recommended a life expert to help him.

The life expert told him to wake up at 5 a.m. every day, make his bed, brush his teeth and tongue, take cold showers, squat when taking a dump and work for 15 hours. He was also told to get many followers on social media.

He did this for 15 years.

But his heart was not satiated. He still longed for more. He wanted the nectar.

One day tired, after a long day, he was about to take a shower when he saw a naked, frail figure on the bathroom mirror.

He was startled and when he took a closer look,

He saw the man who could help him drink the nectar of life.

Life is life
