Barabbas was not a thief or a low life criminal. He was the “man”. He was an insurgent, a freedom fighter, a revolutionary. More like a Dedan Kimathi of the Jews. He wanted to overthrow the colonial government of the Roman Empire.
“A man called Barabbas was in prison with the insurrectionists who had committed murder in the uprising”.
In fact, Barabbas seemed to be popular among the Jews going by the manner in which they insisted that he be released.
“And they cried out at once, saying away with this Man (Jesus) and release to us Barabbas- who had been thrown into prison for a certain rebellion made in the city”
Incidentally Jesus and Barabbas were accused of similar crimes, trying to incite the people against Caesar’s rule. In fact, the accusations against Jesus came at the backdrop of his triumphant entry to Jerusalem as the “King who comes in the name of the lord”.
But compared to Barabbas who used violence and rebellion, Jesus told the Jews to give Caesar his dues, to love their enemies and turn the other cheek. He also called out the pharisees (his own people) for their hypocrisy.
While Barabbas represented their struggles, and political aspirations, Jesus, shunning violence and political ambition, disillusioned his followers and vexed the Jewish leaders.
Barabbas promised to set the Jews free from the tyranny of the Roman government. Jesus also promised them freedom. But a different kind of freedom.
“He who the son sets free is free indeed”.
But how do you set free someone who does not know he is a prisoner? How do you take away the chains from the hands of someone who thinks they are bracelets?
So really, when told to choose between Barabbas and Jesus, it was an easy choice.
We always vote for one of us.
Life is life