Roles and Scripts

In a movie, an actor is given a role and a script. From the words he speaks, to the emotions he expresses, he is required to stick to the script and the role he is given.  

You see, a human being is not a human being. He is an actor. The moment he noticed that he was a human being, he became an actor. He took on a role and read the script handed to him by society.

He started playing the role of a son, a student, a friend, an employee, a businessman, a parent, a professional, a Christian, a neighbor, and so on and so forth. And he took on the roles with fervent gusto.

He became his roles and forgot himself. Society told him to stick to the script. And stick to the script he did. He has owned and drowned in his scripted role.

When the curtain raises, when he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he does is put on his outfit and take on his role. Even at night, the curtain never falls, his dreams and nightmares are entangled with his roles. The cameras are rolling round the clock. He never gets to step out of “character” and be himself for a second.

He has come to believe that the names on his ID, his titles and associations define him. He beliefs that the person called by his name is him. His public persona has taken control of every aspect of his life.

When he looks in the mirror. He does not recognize himself.

His innocence, his essence has been lost. His DNA, and genetic make-up have been altered by his societal role.

But Alphonse Makacha dot Makhoha is not Mathias Keya.

Life is life
