Former arsenal football star, Per Matesacker, narrated his story of how, before every march he would feel nausea, diarrhea and feel really stressed. He said that there was a lot of pressure playing the game. And the expectations of the fans and club made him sick. In fact, he admits that the mental pressure was too much that his body succumbed to injuries to avoid playing. He often felt relieved when he was not selected to play. And in 2018, he said that he was glad to retire from football because after 15 years, he would be finally free.
I admire Matesacker’s honesty.
This is not uncommon, in basketball, many players “choke” during the clutch moments when they are supposed play the winning shot.
Well, the truth is, it’s not just the footballer or NBA superstar who is sick of his job.
The accountant is anxious as he balances the books.
The doctor is anxious as he conducts surgery.
The teacher is anxious as he makes his presentation.
The consultant is anxious as he meets the client.
The boss is frustrated by his juniors.
The musician is anxious during the performance.
Everyone is anxious while doing their job.
But why is this the case?
I think it is a lack of understanding of the nature of game one is playing.
You see, an account understands the principles of accounting, but he does not understand why he is balancing the books.
A footballer knows how to play football, but he does not know what it takes to win matches.
A doctor knows the science of medicine, but does not understand the art of treatment.
The teacher knows what to teach but he does not know how to inspire.
The musician knows how to sing, but he does not know how to move hearts.
The consultant knows what he is selling but does not understand what the client is buying.
The boss knows how to manage but does not know how to lead.
If one does not understand the game he is playing, he will often be anxious before, during and after the game.
And why does one not understand the game he is playing?
Because he is not serious.
The serious will do everything to understand the game.
And when they show up on match day, they play.
Life is life