On love

A story is told of a woman whose husband had died. She was struck by much grief because she loved her husband very much.  

Despondent and crestfallen, she asked people if there was anything that could be done to help bring her husband to back to life.  She was told that there was a Shaman who had powers to raise the dead.

Although the shaman lived far away up in the mountains, she was willing to take the long torturing journey just so that she could get her husband back.  The journey took her several days and finally she arrived at the Shaman’s shrine.

She pleaded with the Shaman, “Please bring my husband back to life. I am willing to do anything to have him back.  I want my husband back; I love him so much and I can’t live without him.”

After listening with patience and sympathy, the shaman said to her “I have heard your cry and you seem genuinely distressed by the death of your husband, Now tell me, which husband do you want back?”

The one who took care of the bills? The one who made you a proud wife? The good father to your children? The one who made you feel safe and taken care of? The one who made love to you? The one who made you laugh?

Or is it the husband who argued with you? The one who pissed you off. The one who did not take care of your emotional needs. The one who was unreasonable. The one who was unloving. The one who was selfish. The one who dozed off immediately after you had sex. The one who made you cry?

Then the woman exclaimed, “No! I want the good side of him”.

We create an image of people and then love that image.

Life is life