
How does a child arrive in the world? 

Naked. Innocent. Unnamed. Unadorned. Unsullied.

The child enters the world, Free.

But immediately it arrives.  It is named, clothed and its innocence is slowly squeezed out of it.

It became conditioned with rules, dos, don’ts, expectations and obligations.

By the time it emerges out if childhood. It is encumbered with a name, a reputation, a status and an identity.

It emerges out of childhood a prisoner. A slave. A mule.

A child is alive, but as an adult he is dead. Life has been sapped out of him.

Layers upon layers of societal conditioning engulf him, entangle him and color his world. By the time he becomes an adult, the beautiful and undefiled mind of a child is covered with a thick layer of moss.

The moss prevents him from living as a human being. As he was meant to live.

It prevents him from drinking the nectar of life.

He only lives like an automaton. A programmed robot.

A beggar that is satisfied with the breadcrumbs thrown at him.

When he was a child, he was joyful and free.

Now as an adult, he is miserable and tethered.

The only time in his life when he truly felt alive and free was when he was a child.

When he was naked and was not ashamed.

Life is life
