Life is too long

We often say that life is too short. This is often a reactionary statement when someone young dies. Or when someone dies suddenly. But this statement is forgotten immediately it leaves our mouths.

For a moment we are jostled by the unexpected death. Then sooner rather than later, we go on with our lives as if we will live forever.

Indeed, the typical life of a human being is lived as if one has several lifetimes to live. We even plan for life after we die.

Look at how spend our time. The most important tasks of our lives are postponed to an unending tomorrow. The critical affairs of our lives are relegated to the periphery.

We spend our days whiling away time. Engaged in frivolous things.

If indeed we recognized that life is too short. We would move with a sense of urgency. We would live with precision. Spending every precious minute of our lives in a manner that counts.

But our perception of life is that we have time. Too much time.

If life is too short, why are we lackluster in our affairs?

If life is too short, why do we hold back on our dreams and aspirations.

If life is too short, why do we postpone to tomorrow.

Maybe we should be handed a timer. Counting down how much time we have left.

Life is life

Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and Lecturer of Psychology at Kenyatta University.