
If you go to a bar, you will find more men. If you go to a church, you will find more women.

We have a tendency to want to be part of groups that are loud and chaotic. That is why we go to church, bars, sports activities and political rallies. .

Most of the time the activities that we engage in while in those groups are not as exciting and enjoyable if conducted in isolation.

Singing in church is more uplifting than singing alone in your house. Drinking or watching a football match in a bar or with friends is more enjoyable than doing it alone in your house. Shouting hustler, Tialala and Tano tena only makes sense while in a political rally.

In church, we have the pastor, the choir master and ushers who coordinate the chanting and ensure people feel get high on the holy spirit.

In bars we have the guy at the counter, the DJ and waitresses who ensure the group is entertained and gets high with spirits.

In political rallies we have politicians who ensure that the group is hypnotized and entertained. That’s why they dance.

The same applies in sports. The players don’t play, they perform. The football pitch is a stage and footballers are actors.

In bars, patrons connect with each other as they engage in banter and shared fun. A similar camaraderie can be seen in church as worshippers join together in singing, shouting AMEN and sharing one another’s burdens.  

In those moments when we are engrossed in those group activities, we forget ourselves and our problems for a moment. We transcend ourselves and get lifted to a different state of mind. We get high.

Insanity is rare among individuals. But among groups, it is the norm.

Churches, bars, sports and political rallies give us a spiritual experience.

We have four religions: Christianity, Alcohol, Football and Politics.

And we are all religious.

Life is life.
