Decision making, Life Nothing works A man has back pain. He goes to a doctor and the doctor prescribes some medication. The medication numbs the pain for a few hours… October 7, 2022
Decision making, Life Roles and Scripts In a movie, an actor is given a role and a script. From the words he speaks, to the emotions he expresses, he is required… October 2, 2022
Decision making, Life Ticking boxes There is a plant, that if you touch it, it folds its leaves, pretending to be dead.When sensing a threat, the tortoise retreats it head… September 23, 2022
Decision making, Life The Waiting Room A man has an appointment with Destiny. Destiny’s office is on the 27th floor of a tall building. He goes to the building and finds… September 20, 2022
Decision making, Life Gambler’s Fallacy A man finds himself on a treasure hunt in a big house with many rooms. He believes that the treasure he greatly desires lies behind… September 11, 2022
Decision making, Life No Legends In 1999 Manchester United won the ‘treble’; the English Premier league, FA cup and Champions League. In 2003, the “invincible” arsenal squad went unbeaten in… September 2, 2022
Decision making, Life The Horizon A man finds himself alone in the middle of the sea. He looks at the horizon, hoping for a rescue boat to show up and… August 26, 2022
Decision making, Life Fear of the Unknown The man who slept hungry yesterday and today has some food, is a fearful man. Once he has eaten and his stomach is full, he… August 20, 2022
Decision making, Life The Final Frontier We all have aspirations, dreams and mountains to conquer in our lives. For some, it is breaking the chain of poverty. For some, it is… August 12, 2022
Decision making, Life, Love Peacocks and Mate Selection The hyena has strong jaws that help it crash bones, hooves and teeth, parts that other predators do not eat. A cheetah is endowed with… August 5, 2022