Decision making, Life, Love

On Transacting with God

Human beings are basically merchants. We are transactionists. We are shopkeepers. It’s just our nature to trade one thing for another. Every interaction we have…

  • January 7, 2024
Decision making, Life

Doubt is Good

My favorite disciple of Jesus is Thomas. His story is often told as an admonition for people to stop doubting and just believe. But I…

  • December 16, 2023
Decision making, Life

The madman

A story is told of a man who had never seen his true face since childhood. When he was born, a mask placed on his…

  • December 10, 2023
Decision making, Life

The Audition

A call is made for auditions for a role in a movie. The call says “Any role you want to play is available”. One is…

  • December 2, 2023
Decision making, Life, Love

The lovely couple

A lovely couple has been married for many years. The husband and wife are both sleepwalkers.   One night, the man walks in his sleep…

  • November 12, 2023
Decision making, Life, Love


While I was a first year at the university. There was this girl I had a crash on. Her name was Doreen. I really liked…

  • November 6, 2023