Decision making, Life The serious human being A human being is rarely serious. He is an eleventh-hour creature. Until he has four seconds remaining on the clock. He will not act. Until… October 22, 2023
Decision making, Education, Life On school, credentials and gatekeeping If your car had an engine problem, will you hire the mechanic who knows how to fix engines? Or the certified mechanic who has no… October 15, 2023
Decision making, Life Peaks and Valleys If you look at life carefully, you will notice something. Peaks are always sorrounded by valleys. It may be summer today, but winter is coming.… October 5, 2023
Decision making, Life Nightmares One may have nightmares when he is asleep and when he wakes up, he asks what he can do to avoid such bad dreams. This… September 27, 2023
Decision making, Life Give and take Conventional wisdom says that relationships are built on a give and take. That a good relationship is where each partner compromises to meet the other’s… September 16, 2023
Decision making, Life Quantity of life A story is told of a king who lived many years. Now, when he reached 100 years old, death came knocking at his door and… September 9, 2023
Decision making, Life An empty mind In primary school we used to be told that an empty debe makes the loudest noise. This was an insult to those who made noise… August 27, 2023
Decision making, Life The hermit and the young man A story is told of a young man who met a hermit. The young man lived a good life, made good money and enjoyed the… August 20, 2023
Decision making, Life The search for truth A story is told of a boy who left home to search for truth. He left behind his parents, family and everything and travelled to… August 12, 2023
Decision making, Life A majority of one Democracy, where the majority have their way seems to be an acceptable form of government in our society. This is fine. Society can do whatever… August 6, 2023