Anxiety is the Norm

They say all of us are mad. It’s only the degree of madness that differs. I agree.

In fact, the difference between most of us and those in mental hospitals is that our madness is low-grade. It’s like we have a low-grade fever but have gotten used to it. We are functional, but still sick all the same.

If there is one thing that is constant in our lives, it is anxiety. Our daily activities and interactions are underlined by anxiety. From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep.

Anxiety about pleasing the boss, getting a promotion or getting fired. Anxiety in relationships, raising children and dealing with relatives. Anxiety about WhatsApp harambees, matatu conductors not returning your change and unstable internet. Anxiety about pleasing God, dying and burning in hell.

There is always some level of anxiety in almost all activities we engage in. From updating our social media status to improving the status of our bank accounts. From selecting which clothes to wear to choosing who to hire as our house-help.

Anxiety is the norm. Serenity is the exception. A life full of anxious moments, with brief episodes of peace.

But one wonders, is that how life is meant to be? Should we go through life swinging like a pendulum from one anxious moment to another?

Granted. The affairs of life must be dealt with. Raising kids, living with spouses, work, friends, neighbors, matatu conductors, internet speeds, flat tyres and WhatsApp harambees must with dispensed with.

But can all these activities be undertaken with calmness, with equanimity?Is it possible to remain still while dealing with the chaos of life?

The question is not “what do we do on a daily basis”.  

But “how do we feel on a daily basis”.

Life is life
