Every night, we go to sleep hoping for a better tomorrow. But every morning when the sun rises, we wake up and begin the day the same way we were yesterday. Nothing changes.
Our hope for a better tomorrow is predicated on the sunrise bringing with it good tidings. A hope that a fortuitous event will happen and take away our troubles.
But the solar system is indifferent to our plight. It does not care what our wishes or hopes are. The sun just rises and falls.
Even though we wish for a better tomorrow. Our wish for a better tomorrow is the same wish we had yesterday.
How can tomorrow be a new day when what we did yesterday is what we are doing today. How can it be a new dawn when how we feel today is how we will feel tomorrow?
How can it be a new day when the same person who goes to bed at night is the same person who wakes up in the morning?
If we take a keen look at our daily experiences, we will notice a pattern. A simple pattern like the arithmetic sequence of 2,4, 6, 8…. It is easy to predict how we will feel the next day.
Our lives settle into a routine. Like a person with a chronic condition. We get accustomed to our emotions and become part and parcel of our turmoil.
Like arsenal fans we keep saying “ngoja next season”. But the truth is, nothing changes.
The details may vary as to the times and place, but the same person who was happy yesterday is the same person who is sad today.
The emotions that colour our days are the same. Day in day out. There is no difference between today and tomorrow. All days are the same.
It may be sunny today, but winter is coming.
But what is the point of waiting for tomorrow when we know that, at its very best, it will only bring a temporary respite?
What if there was no tomorrow?
What if today is all we have?
Life is life