Beware of those who are quick to pledge loyalty, for with the same swiftness they will stab your back.
Beware of those who preach peace, for they are warlords.
Those who preach harmony, are tumultuous.
Watch out for those who clamour for order, for they are the agents of anarchy.
Those who shout about the law are the most unethical.
Be wary of those who proselytize about corruption, for they are the most corruptible.
Take heed of those who preach love, for they harbour hatred in their hearts
Those who preach unity want to divide us.
The learned are ignorant.
The righteous are the vilest.
Having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Life is life
Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta university.