The Depressed Mind

A human being is born into the world with natural instincts for survival.

Part of the instincts is a child’s propensity to distrust the world.

But the world steps in quickly to pacify him and steadily conditions the human out of his natural instincts.

The human is given illusions about happiness, success, relationships and life.

The illusions filter reality, providing comfort and a sense of security, setting him up for inevitable disillusionment.

But one day, the human comes into contact with reality and the illusions are shattered into smithereens.

Indeed, reality is wild, ruthless and indifferent.

The depressed mind is one that has come into contact with the unfiltered reality. Rough rugged and raw.

And is struggling to come to terms with the fact that one’s foundational beliefs about life, are illusions based on half-truths and outright lies.

Life is life
Fabio is a Mental Health Professional, Researcher and Lecturer of Psychology at Kenyatta University.