On the day we die

On the day we die,
It will be an uneventful Thursday like any another
The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west.
The moon and the stars will still shine that night.
The birds will keep chirping as usual
In the marketplace,buying and selling will continue unabated.
On WhatsApp, people will share memes and argue about politics as usual.
Indeed, even our loved ones, will still think about what to eat and where to sleep on that fateful day.

On the day we die,
The world will not come to a stand still.
Life will go on, as if we never existed.

One can therefore ask the world what he can do with his life,

Or inquire of himself, what he desires to do with his life.

Life is life
Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta university.