Nature Vs Culture

Nature only creates unique, one of a kind, human beings.

Culture on the other hand, fits humans into a mold, fabricating them into similar automatons.

Culture creates the common. Nature creates the rare.

Culture creates the average. Nature creates the outlier.

Culture creates the mediocre. Nature, the exceptional.

Culture creates the normal. Nature, the otherworldly.

Nature creates a masterpiece. Culture makes the ordinary.

Nature is defiant, Culture is apologetic.

Nature is raw. Culture is proper.

Nature is wild. Culture is tame.

What is culture?

That which is fashionable. What is accepted. What is picked from schools, religious institutions and the media.

What is nature?

That which remains when culture has been removed.

Life is life

Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at Kenyatta University.