On following our dreams

We often ask whether we should follow our dreams or wait a little bit until the time is right.

We are often torn between fulfilling our desires or being “practical” about life. Between following our hearts and paying the bills.

But if we have to ask that question. Then we are not ready.

You see, we love living in purgatory.

We don’t want to live in hell. Neither do we want to pay the price for heaven. So, we live in between.

We want to eat our cake and still have it. So, we keep licking it.

The way we used to sip a soda and return it to the bottle so that it does not get finished.

This is the “sweet spot” we cherish. Because it gives us the pleasure of complaining about the state of affairs while enjoying its benefits. The joy of expressing dissatisfaction with our circumstances but still comfortable enough to tolerate them.

This is the lukewarm place we like simmering in.

Neither hot nor cold.

But until the day when our current circumstances are unbearable.

Until we get disgusted with our purgatory.

We will continue wallowing in the mud of the status quo.

Otherwise, we would have followed our dreams already. Otherwise, we would have taken the plunge already.
Otherwise we would have found a way already.

But since we are not serious,

We will sit on the fence.

And live in purgatory until we die.

Life is life