The Final Frontier

We all have aspirations, dreams and mountains to conquer in our lives. For some, it is breaking the chain of poverty. For some, it is getting an education while others wish to board a plane to live in another country.

Our dreams and mountains are as varied as our fingerprints. While one may desire to build their mother a house, another’s greatest desire is to make a woman pregnant.

One may aspire to make millions while another just wants a job! One may wish to win an election while another wishes that he would one day rent a house with a toilet seat.

Indeed, each of us has conquered some mountains in one way or the other. Or we may possibly be within grasp of our dreams.

But there’s still one mountain yet to be conquered. One final frontier.

We were never told that it is the biggest mountain in our lives. In fact, it may be the only mountain worth conquering.

It makes us desire a nice meal and when seat down to eat, it denies us the enjoyment. It makes us desire beautiful things and when we reach for the roses, we realize they are bland and made of plastic.

When we build homes, they turn out to be shelters. When we drink purified bottled water, it turns out to be salty. At night when we lock our doors, tuck ourselves in and lay our heads on our pillows, it denies us sleep.

It creates a mountain to conquer. But when we reach the peak, we find that it was not one mountain but mountain ranges that we were up against.

The at the end we realize that all the mountains we have conquered, the giants we have slayed and the monsters we have tamed, Were all illusions.

Illusions created by the mind.

Life is life
