A human being wears two faces. One face he shows the world. The other face he hides from the world.
The first face, the face he shows the world are the roles he plays in society.
A father, a husband, a son, a professional, a Manchester United fan and a lover of chapos.
He spends most of his time trying to give this face a dignified poise.
The second face, the face that he hides from the world.
Are his fears, anxieties and insecurities.
He tries to conceal the second face. But it plagues him like a shadow.
It is insidious and permeates his daily activities and interactions.
It is evident in the manner he engages with his superiors and subordinates.
It can be seen in his interactions with his spouse and children.
Even his finances are not spared by the second face.
He spends his entire life burdened by the weight of the two faces
Not realizing that he is neither one nor the other.
He is only a witness.
Life is life.
Fabio is a mental health professional, researcher and lecturer of psychology at kenyatta university.