The serious human being

A human being is rarely serious. He is an eleventh-hour creature.

Until he has four seconds remaining on the clock. He will not act.

Until he is hanging at the edge of a cliff. He will not realize that his life is at peril.

A human being will not change until his back is against the wall.  He will not speak sense until the muzzle of a gun is in his mouth.

A human being is a bag full of excuses.

He will tell you that he is very busy and will get back to you. He will tell you that he has no money. He will tell you that he needs more time to think about it.

He is not serious. He is not ready.

Actually, a human being is a twelfth-hour creature.

His toes would literally be on fire but he will say that he must attend a meeting with the boss and will attend to his toes later.

He will be told that his house is on fire and will respond with a sad face emoji, and continue talking about the state of politics and football in the world.

Even when he is being suffocated, he will not recognize that he is dying.

Even when the noose is tightening around his neck, he will be scrolling through his phone and laughing at memes.

But the serious human being is the one who sees the eleventh hour from afar.  

He is the man who sees the storm coming.

He is the man who reads the signs of the times.

And is willing to abandon all excuses.

Life is life.
