The search for truth

A story is told of a boy who left home to search for truth. He left behind his parents, family and everything and travelled to faraway lands.

In his search for truth, he met gurus, pastors and motivational speakers who claimed to have knowledge of the truth.

The gurus told him that he would find the truth in an austere life of fasting, prayer and solitude. He denied himself luxuries and lived an ascetic life, but still could not find the truth.

The pastors told him that he could find the truth in penitence and religious practices. He followed their preachings, but the truth was still elusive.

The motivational speakers told him to think positively but he could not positive think himself to the truth.  

He did everything he was told, but he could not even have a glimpse of the truth.

For many years, he offered sacrifices, prostrated himself, burned incense, lived like a hermit, meditated, fasted and even abstained from all forms of indulgences. All in the effort to find the truth. But his efforts were futile.

So, one day at a ripe old age, he went back home. He opened the house.

And there it was.  

The truth is always there.

For those who want to see.

Life is life
