The madman

A story is told of a man who had never seen his true face since childhood. When he was born, a mask placed on his face to conceal his true nature.

He had gotten used to living in the mask.

But one day he woke up and his mask was gone. He stepped out of the house, with a naked face for the first time in his life.

That morning, the sun hit his face and he felt freedom.

In the afternoon, the raindrops rolled down his cheeks and he felt love.

In the evening, the wind blew through his beard and he felt peace.

When he looked in the mirror, he saw a face of the gods.

But everyone said that he had gone mad.

For his gait and demeanor was of a different world.  A world devoid of masks.

In the land where everyone wears a mask.

The maskless man is considered a madman.

Life is life
