The chicken or the egg?

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

This is a common question that has elicited interesting debate for centuries. I think the answer is hidden in plain sight and once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
But first let’s talk about your great-grandparents, your offspring and crossbreeding.    

We can all agree that you are here because your great-grand parents had sex and reproduced. Your grandfather met your grandmother and your parents showed up. Then your parents did their thing and now you are here. Because you are keeping up with “family tradition” and dont want to let down your ancestors, you also make a baby with someone.

Now, if your child crossbreeds with a Chinese guy, your grandchild will probably look like you but would have some Chinese features. If your grandchild reproduces with another Chinese guy. Your great-grandchild is likely to look more Chinese than you. Again, let’s say your great grandchild crossbreeds with a dwarf from the city of dwarfs in Brazil… You get the point.

Your great-great grandchild, many generations down the line, may not look anything like you.  

In other words, your offspring is a “variant” of you, and may look significantly different from you until we give them a different name or race. For example, a mule is an offspring not of a mule but of animals that look like a mule, a horse and a donkey.

Now, we know that a chicken is hatched from an egg. But we are not sure what kind of bird lay the egg that hatched the first chicken. It probably looked like chicken but not exactly chicken. The egg could have been laid by a dove that was fertilized by an eagle.

So there you have it; The egg came first.

Life is life
