Relationships are DEAD

Relationships are in shambles. They are falling apart. They are a house of cards.

Relationships are a broken pot that is held together by sellotape. A house built on quick sand.

The only thing that holds relationships together, the only thing that is keeps them from the inevitable demise is comprise, denial, apologies, submissiveness, gifts, begging, social media declarations, lies and clinging.

Our relationships are hemophiliac and our hands are soaked in blood trying to stop the bleeding.  But the bleeding holes are too many. We have used all our fingers to seal the bleeders.  But the blood keeps gushing out from all orifices.

Relationships have a fatal septic wound. But we are trying to heal it by covering it with Elastoplast.

Our relationships are in ICU. The panic button is on. Beep, beep, beep. And everyone is running up and down. Like interns trying to save a life.

We are performing CPR and throwing life jackets. But it is too late.

The relationships have been on life support for long. And it is becoming too expensive to maintain. Yet they are brain dead.

Someone please switch-off the life support machine.

And end everyone’s misery.

Life is life
