
Today you may attend a church and listen to a motivational speaker who delivers an electrifying speech and assures you that everything will be okay and you will be a success in life. You will feel motivated as you go home. But by the time you lie in your bed at night, you will be wondering if your life is headed in the right direction.

If you were an artist and did a piece that went viral, you will be ecstatic for six days, but on the seventh day you will wonder if your next piece will be a hit.

Your boss can praise you today for being a good employee and you will go home and tell your wife how happy you are that your boss likes you. But two days later, you will be lamenting to your wife about your boss not allowing you to take a day off.

If you posted a photo on social media and got 150 likes. You will smile with self-confidence. But 24 hours later, you will post a new photo and it won’t attract any likes. And your self-esteem will take a hit.

One day your spouse may declare his undying love for you on social media. And you will feel like the most loved person in the world. But before the sun sets, you will post on social media about self-love and not trusting anyone.

One moment your child recites a poem in school during Parents’ Day, and you feel proud and consider yourself a good parent. But a few years later, your child becomes a drug addict and you feel like you have failed as a parent.

If you had sex with someone and she praised your bedminton skills. You will walk with your head high. But the next time you engage in coitus, you won’t get any compliments and you will walk with your tail between your legs.

Reassurance takes us nowhere.
