On blaming parents

It has become fashionable nowadays for young people to blame their parents for doing a bad job at parenting them. 

A man is asked, why are you so irresponsible? He says it’s because my mother did not breastfeed me enough. The mother is asked, why didn’t you breastfeed your son enough? The mother says it’s because my father was a deadbeat.

The deadbeat grandpa is also questioned. The old man also gives his version of the dog ate my homework.

It goes on and on until the garden of Eden.

In the garden of Eden, Adam is asked, why did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat. He says “it’s this woman you gave me”. The woman is also questioned and she points the finger at the serpent.

Then God looks at the serpent and asks him, why did you deceive the woman?  The serpent looks at God and does not say anything.

Everyone points fingers, except the devil.  

Life is life
