Man is NOT a social animal

It is often said that a human being is a social animal. Who said this? I would like to meet him and ask him a few questions.

A human being is a solitary animal. He lives in solitary confinement. He is an island.

Look at your suffering. Do you suffer with someone else. Does your social circle share in your emotional turmoil?  When you are unable to sleep at night. Do you partake your insomnia with your friends?

A human being is wounded internally. And seeks reprieve in socialization. But socialization will not help him with his troubles.

Socialization is camouflage. It is putting Elastoplast in a septic wound. In fact, the reason a human being suffers is because he socializes. Socialization is the cause of his problems.

Socialization strips him off of humanness. It devolves him from a unique majestic creature to a common creature. Socialization caters to the lowest common denominator.

One is doomed if he depends on socialization to solve his internal problems.

A man comes into the world alone. He will live alone and die alone.

Life is life
