
During holidays we often take the voyage to the lands where we grew up and our ancestors are buried. Even those living in far- off lands often desire to come home and break bread with family.

We can explore and even conquer new territories. But still have an inclination to go back home.

Hell, we all desire to be buried at home when we die.

It is said that you can remove a man from the village but you cannot remove the village from him.

That is true of our ways of thinking, feeling and habits. You see, we have a tendency to slip back to our old ways. Our old patterns of thinking and feeling. Our inferiorities and demons are always whispering, “when are you coming back home”?

Home is our default way of seeing things. The way we have always done things. The way we have always felt. The chip we have always carried on our shoulder.

Like a gravitational pull, home is always beckoning. And like Lot’s wife, we are always stealing a glance.  Our fears and anxieties are rooted at our home.

They say east or west, home is best. And there is some comfort in retreating to our homes, even if they are miserable places.

We get inspired and change our ways after listening to a rousing sermon. But soon enough we crawl back to our homes. Our factory settings.

At the end of the day, every human being goes back home.

But what if home is poisonous? What if the roof is made of carcinogenic asbestos? What if the walls are leaking and the floor is cracking? What if home is built along a fault line? And an earthquake is coming?

Life is life
