Graven images

The moment a human being realizes that he is a human being, he creates a certain image of himself.

We start believing that we are so and so. And begin to live up to that image. We fall in love with the image and protect it at all costs.

We get attached to this image. We adorn it. We beautify it. We do everything to ensure that it is nicely polished and preserved.  

Throughout our lives we pick along and curate several images of ourselves. Which we strife to maintain at all costs.

Everyday, we labour and are heavy laden with the difficult yoke of self-image.

But maybe we can ask ourselves, are we really the images we have created for ourselves?

How much does it cost us to maintain our self-image?

What price are we willing to pay to preserve the image?

If we pay attention while we are having bowel movements, especially in a toilet that requires you to squat, we will notice that we are nothing.

The self-image is an illusion.

Now, imagine if there was no self-image.  

Imagine if the person we consider ourselves to be, did not exist.

It means that when life’s spears and arrows are thrown at us, they will not find anyone.

Life is life
