Flirting and Procrastination

A man once told Jesus” Lord, I will follow you, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house”

A man is in a bus and sits next to a lady. He flirts with her throughout the journey and gives her “hope”. At the end of the journey, he asks for her number and promises to call her soon. But immediately they part ways the man goes on with his life and totally forgets about the lady.

If Jesus met the man, he would rebuke him “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom”.

The reason we say “I will do it tomorrow” is because it’s not important.

No one sees a snake in his bed and says “I will deal with it tomorrow when I have time”

A person whose house is on fire does not say, “Let me look at it after work”

If it is important, Now is the time.

You see, we have learnt to say the “right” things. We set smart SMART goals and wait for January 1st or Monday next week.

But whatever we can put off to tomorrow, we can live without.
We may not like the way things are, but we are somehow okay with the way they are.

We only flirt with our great ideas. But never want to marry them.   

When a Kenyan says” Tutaongea”. It does not mean “we will talk”. It means we should end this conversation now.

Life is life
